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FrozenGate by Avery

Question about my new LaserBTB

Feb 5, 2009
My HL 532nm 100mW finally arrived, much to my disappointment was only 3/4" shorter than my HL 520nm 100mW. I bought this laser solely because it had the same interface as its big brother and was hoping to be at least 1.5" smaller. Anyway, no biggie. Too long, can't carry it for my intended purpose, so its now another shelf toy.

I noticed the HL 532nm the Laser on Indicator will glow green when every safety switch has been closed. [buttplug in, key switch on] while my HL 520 does not. While on this standby mode and LED green, it registers as a 11mA drain on the batteries, while on ran something like 1100mA. The only way to prevent this power drain is either use the key lock or the butt plug. My question is, which is normal? My HL 520 or the HL 532?
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:crackup:I died at BUTT plug

Crass and hilarious...but so correct!

11ma sounds like a bunch of drain...unless an led is being lit.I am sorry I don't know the answer to your question.

gee, that was embarrassing, googled buttplug and it gave me something totally unexpected.

What would have been a more correct term? :)
Suppository, anal love toy, anal intruder[ see movie"TopSecret" but really just call it a safety interlock key. Is it just a pin that you put in the breach?
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A bit confused at what you are asking. I have a bunch of the PL, HL and lp. I don't know about now but when I purchased mine in groups buys I received some nice extras such as end caps that need the pin/jack to work and ones that don't need anything. If you want an end without the safety plug you would have to contact them and see if they will sell you them.
As far as LED colors go they probably have just changed over the years. Why not just buy one of their lp units? Think they even have a couple that have a slow blink mode.
Just noticed they even have an lfp model now with modes. Looks like they just take a single 16340 too.
Call that piece the remote connector key by the way;)
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A bit confused at what you are asking.

okay, let me see if I can explain it better. My question had nothing to do with the safety plug, but my apparent term for it caused a bit of an uproar.

So heres what I'm asking about:

My HL 520 lays before me, the remote connector bypass is in, the rcr123A batteries are in, the key lock position is set forward. The only thing that prevents the laser from turning on is the little red push button. At this point the tiny LED in front of that red push button is extinguished [I.E. No light]. My HL 520 can sit in such a condition and I see no drain on the batteries, I can store it in such a condition for several months, and the batteries still read 4.1V when I check the pair.

This is what I assume as "Normal behavior." Its my only Laser BTB product, so maybe I don't know better ;)

Now my HL 532 arrived. I put the remote connector bypass in, the rcr123A cell is in, the key lock position is set forward. The Laser has not been turned on yet [I'll need to depress the red push button for that to happen] but the little LED forward of the push button is glowing green [turns to red when the laser is on]. I didn't know this and stored it in the same condition as the HL 520. One day later I pull the battery and the rcr123A measured 3.5V [It was 4.22V when I pulled it off the charger before putting it in]

So my question was, is this a normal occurrence for the HL 532? Where the laser itself has not been turned on, but both safety's are disabled, for it to drain current keeping the little bi-colored LED lit?
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[buttplug in, key switch on]. The only way to prevent this power drain is either use the key lock or the butt plug. My question is, which is normal?

Bwahahahahahahaha:crackup: this is hilarious!!! i spit my coffee while reading this.... The problem with your laser sound like a pain in the @$$....
better edit your post. By the sound of thing it seem like your multi-meter is on the wrong setting?
Illuminum, feel bad for you as you want a straight answer and the jokes are still piling in. I dont own or have any experience with laserbtb products so I cant help but it does sound like that drain is right. Just a little confusion im getting, are you saying that when you put them away both safety devices on each laser are "disabled" and the new one has LED on and puts a drain while your first one the LED is off and no drain. It looks like the first laser you bought isnt showing its armed with both safetys off. Why dont you store them then with all "again" safteys on?
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haha lol buttplug how can anyone not know what that is ?

Strange, the HL series shouldnt light green if the key has been switched to on, this only happens on the PL series as i have one of that and 2 HL and they only turn green if u push the red button so somethings maybe not right i would email laserbtb and ask if this is normal of should go under warranty ? And why u dissapointed with size? if its smaller then hl 520 whats the problem? the hl hosts arent that big anyways fits in pocket without problems. But yeah for some reason the HL 532 hosts only need 1x 16340 battery and the HL 520 host needs 2x 16340 strange to me really.

Or does someone here that owns a HL laser can say if their led light turns green if the key is switched to on mode ? neither of my does that so i think its faulty..
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Normal for the 532nm HL. The green LED should be on, if the laser is "armed" and only pressing the button is left, to actually turn it on.

Don't leave batteries in anything, unless you're aware of the standby drain, and accept the risk, or are using a physical switch preventing any drain.
but that makes no sense, why not on all HL hosts ? not like only green 532 can hurt eyes.
No it does not. The way it works on mine is, if armed, the LED is green, when actually on, iirc, the led is red. Which is what I would expect on other lasers too. If that's not the case, it may be a small defect. I do agree it would make sense for all their lasers to behave the same way.
Poor laser getting butt plugged / well if your but plugin it i don't thing any laser is normal after the force, :spank:
Sounds like its normal then :)

Alright guys, I'll call it remote control bypass plug from now on okay? :)

mortuus, I was hoping it would be around the same size as the LaserGlow Galileo. At present its too long to fit in any of my holsters. I would have liked something like the Galileo but say about 25-35mW range as the Galileo is too dim for many instances. Astronomy here suffers from light pollution. its difficult to point things out using 5mW in most cases.

I think the HL 520 driver is likely a little different to begin with.
