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FrozenGate by Avery

Question about goggles

Apr 23, 2015
Hi everybdy im very new to all this and im concerned about safety. So i bought and arctic spyder 3 445nm 1.4 W. I know its crazy strong, so i bought goggles. The goggles i purchases are QQ-Tech® Goggles Laser Eye Protection Safety Glasses Goggle Glass... QQ-Tech® Goggles Laser Eye Protection. Are they sufficient in keeping my eyes safe not only for low power and with the 20% lens but for the full power as well?? Answers from old pros would be greatly appreciated :)

Hi everybdy im very new to all this and im concerned about safety. So i bought and arctic spyder 3 445nm 1.4 W. I know its crazy strong, so i bought goggles. The goggles i purchases are QQ-Tech® Goggles Laser Eye Protection Safety Glasses Goggle Glass... QQ-Tech® Goggles Laser Eye Protection. Are they sufficient in keeping my eyes safe not only for low power and with the 20% lens but for the full power as well?? Answers from old pros would be greatly appreciated :)

No one bothered to comment, but I want to assure you that you shouldn't rely on cheap glasses like that. It's not a brand name, just a Chinese small business. It sounds to me like you aren't used to burning lasers, let alone class 4 lasers. Have you received it yet?
You should buy a pair of genuine laser safety glasses for that Eagle Pair
