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FrozenGate by Avery

Question about Fasttech's $5 5mW greenies

Mar 2, 2017
In case anyone needs a link: https://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10001030/1088900-new-wish-5mw-green-laser-module

This is by far the best deal on a 5mW of this wavelength I've come across, with free shipping to boot. I've been told that they are extremely overspec, however... Is there any way to limit the power to where I wouldn't be forced to wear safety glasses while using them? (Also, do they have an IR filter? I'm not sure how to check for those.)

These Fasttech modules have a very popular following on the forum.
Yes they are usually way overspec and don't have a IR filter.
You could probably turn the output down as they have a pot screw but as they are exposed they are easy to short out if you don't have the experience.
I would order a few if your planning on tinkering with them, and they have 2 options of them a 3V and a 5V.
As GSS mentioned, these don't have an IR filter, and yes, they are usually way overspec, but if you're concerned with IR output, you can buy an IR filter and attatch it yourself.
There are many low cost IR filters available to choose from, HERE is one example.

I also agree that if you're going to play with these, order a few just in case, for $5 you'd be silly not to. :D
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