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FrozenGate by Avery

Problem with laserchat.org

Dec 21, 2009
Closing Link: WretchedMerc[widget.mibbit.com] (Too many connections from your IP)
this is the error can anyone help?

I get the same thing.:yabbmad:No idea what to do though, sorry.
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I just posted a thread about this a few days ago, there were some helpful solutions, check it out!

EDIT: SOLUTION!!!!!!! Download mIRC and do this,

Open mIRC, and go to Tools -> Options

On the tree on the left, click "Connect", and fill in those details
Then again on the tree, click "Servers"
Click "Add"

For description, put "laserchat"
For IRC server, put: laser.irc.ecnet.org
For group, put : laserchat
Ignore the rest, and click "Add"

Then in the tree again, click "options", then click "perform"

Check "Enable perform on connect", then click "add"

Find laserchat in that list, then click OK.

Now, in that white box under the add button, type: /join #laserchat

Click OK on that window, click OK on the options window, then up in the top left, there should be a little red icon. Click that to connect, and you should automatically join the channel.
