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FrozenGate by Avery

Powering an Osram PLP520-B1 Question

Jun 10, 2014
Ok, so long time lurker first time poster. I've bought high powered green lasers online before, and I have safety goggles. Now, I'm planning my first build and I'm a little confused as to what type batteries to use, and how many of them. I'm planning on ordering an Osram PLP520-B1 in a copper module with a 550mah driver from DTR and put that in an S4 host with extended copper heatsink from Survival Lasers.

From what I've read over in DTR's thread about the PLP520-B1 I can't use a single 18560 battery to power it, using an extension and 2 18650's would fry the driver, but using 3 might work. So, can I just use 2 extenders and 3 18650's? I also saw reference to some new batteries I'm not really familiar with; AW IMR 14500's and 16340's. Will these fit in an S4 host? How many would I need?

I don't understand why I can't use 18650's? The output voltage for one is 3.7V, which is right in the 3-5V input requirement of the Diode/Driver assembly. I get that I couldn't run 2 in series, but couldn't I just mod an extension tube so that I'm running the batteries in parallel? Thanks in advance for any help you guys can provide :)

From what I've read over in DTR's thread about the PLP520-B1 I can't use a single 18560 battery to power it, using an extension and 2 18650's would fry the driver, but using 3 might work. So, can I just use 2 extenders and 3 18650's? I also saw reference to some new batteries I'm not really familiar with; AW IMR 14500's and 16340's. Will these fit in an S4 host? How many would I need?

Let me know where it says you can not use a single Li-ion like an 18650, 18350, 16340, ect... and I will get the info corrected as that is not right. The unit will run on a single Li-ion. Two li-ions in series would be too much but a single is the ideal power source.:beer:

with a 550mah driver from DTR

you mean a 550mA driver where it is the current it is set to and 550mAh would be a measure of capacity like what is stated on a battery.;)
Thanks DTR! Upon re-reading your thread on the PLP520-B1 I realized that I simply misread your post about batteries. For some reason, I combined IsaacT's post about this diode not liking single liion cell with a boost driver with your earlier post about drivers and batteries in my head. So my bad, lol.

Also, yes, I meant with the 550mA driver; for some reason I always want to measure capacity as ma and current as mAh. It's like electrical dyslexia, lol.
