Sorry for the double post but my 53 year old brother in law got the motorcycle bug a few years ago. Mind you he had some bikes in his teens but this whole dress up and tour thing just got him. Its weird just yest he told me he got home on some big ride I think in North or South Dakota or somewhere in the mountines .We come from MA so alot of them got the bikes trucked to a certain point and started this ride. Il find out laterWow, lots of advice. These car guys seem very knowledgeable. . As you know,I also live in Northern California. I ride a motorcycle almost everyday ( unless it's raining ) We live in motorcycle paradise. So many beautiful roads,especially Highway one along the coast. More motorcycle riders in California then all the other states combined.( last I heard anyway )
4-5K will buy you an awesome used bike.
When I was your age, I had a virtually new bike,and a $100 car for the few rainy days we have. Plus we can lane split legally. Only state that it's legal to do it in. Take the motorcycle safety class to learn. ( better to drop their bikes then your own. ) you'll never get stuck in traffic, park wherever you want. Have a reason to get a cool leather jacket. Belong to the brotherhood of motorcycle enthusiasts. I'm 63, had a bike and license for it since 1970.
Currently riding a BMW S1000R. Learn to ride well, ride over, I'll let you try it out.The most fun you can have with your pants on.
I'm prepared to get some bad comments for recommending a bike.Donar cycles, graveyard ponys, yada yada.

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