Implying?!?! You think I was IMPLYING!?
I was stating a
Nah, Just kidding:na: if I'm using emoticons that means I'm kidding. Didn't you learn anything yet!

Uhm, yeah... around here if I see a cop on the other other side of the road, I usually speed up. Absolutely no way for them to turn around in 99% of cases.
Whenever traveling outside of the very densely populated area where I live, I'm always shocked at how few people, and stores, etc.. there are! I mean on my recent drive to vermont It took me half an hour to find a 24 hour gas station... and I still didn't, luckily found one in the middle of freaking nowhere that was closing in five minutes (at 11:30pm:banghead

and was able to fill up... would have been a pretty shitty night if I couldn't get gas and was stuck in the middle of bumblef*ck nowhere:can:
Right now there are probably at least twenty 24 hour gas stations within a five mile radius of me.