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FrozenGate by Avery

pointer for alignment on cnc table


Dec 8, 2011
I'm looking for a laser pointer to attach to a cnc plasma to ling up on parts.I was looking into a system that would place a cross-hair directly under the torch but it looks like they are expensive.So I was thinking about getting a cheap laser pointer, attaching it to the mounting plate near the plasma head. I would want to be able to leave the laser on for several minutes at a time have a good battery life.
Any suggestions about what pointer to buy?

Crosshair laser modules are very cheap. You need to talk to Chuck from Aixiz. They're webstore seems to be broken but they do answer if you call. Should be less than $20 bucks, way less. It'll run on 3V (pick up a 2xAA or AAA battery holder from radioshack and wire a switch inline or get a 120VAC to 3VDC power adapter online.) A low power alignment laser like that can be left on much longer than you'll ever need without damage. AA batteries will give you a very long runtime, even AAA's wouldn't be bad.


If you still want to go with a pointer search e-bay for red laser pointer. Anything you find there will work. I can almost guarantee the aixiz module to be of much higher quality than any cheap red laser pointer, for what that's worth.

Good luck! And post some pictures of your setup when your done. It's always nice to see some practical use for lasers, we don't get much of that around here...
