Well, I don't trust cheap Lithium batteries from overseas. The 3.7 Volt battery of nominal 1,000 mAh capacity (more than likely about 700-800 mAh in actual) looks ok, but I don't trust it nor do I trust the wall charger that came with it. I took the wall charger apart and looked at its components. They seem decent, but there were no instructions at all on how it operates. So, I got the bright (depends on who you talk to) idea of powering the laser with AA 2,500 mAh NiMH batteries.
The AA 2,500 mAh NiMH batteries that I use in my transmitters for R/C have given me great results and I have a charger that can charge 4 of them within 15 or so minutes. I took a Voltage reading on the stock lithium battery and it was giving me a steady 3.7 Volts. I *believe* these will top-off at about 4.10 Volts? At any rate, I know the AA NiMH batteries peak at about 1.35-1.37 Volts right off of the charger. So, if they settle down as NiMH batteries normally due without load to about 1.3 Volts, then in order to get to 4 Volts, I would need at least 3 of them in series. I decided to go with 4 of them. So, 1.3 Volts x 4 is 5.20 Volts! I am not 100% sure how the clicky-type switch in the back broke from the kit laser, but it did. I went down to Home Depot and picked-up a rod of copper in 1/2" diameter. I cut this to length to fit (tightly) 4 AA batteries in series, making sure the negative end of the "pack" was closest to the laser. I then used some electrical tape to increase the overall diameter of the copper rod to fit very snuggly in the host, while I used an insulated wire with both copper ends exposed as a jumper wire. I confirmed the laser host's casing is negative ground. I rubber banded one end down to the host's exposed aluminum threads, while the other was bent in a "spring manner" to simulate a push button switch at the positive end of the 4S battery "pack". Voila! So far, so good. The laser is very bright. I could see the faint red laser beam outside at night, in a very cold, very clear, dry, full-moon night. Inside, the beam can light-up a room that is dark such that I can use the laser "pen" as a flashlight. I haven't tried burning anything yet, but the beam spread appears to be exceptionally tight at long range outside! Very cool!
Hey have you tested it yet? I was thinking about ordering one but if its anything under 200mw id pass. But how do you like it can it burn?