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NOVAlasers X-75

May 3, 2008
Just got my X-75. I ordered it on Friday and it was here Monday! I'm in Australia, btw :)

Have only had a quick play in my room. Average output is 90.5mW and peak is 111.1mW w00t! :o

Beam is visible in normal room light, haven't had a chance to play in the day. The line-generating lens is way cool and I can't wait to take it out to a bush doof with a few more lenses and light up the dance floor. I'm actually going to try and pitch myself as a one-man laser show ;)

The box feels safe and sturdy. I recommend everyone spend that extra $20 on the package. It's really only another $11.50 when you factor in the lightyears bonus points you get and there's the optics and the lens holder... Good deal.

This is my first laser besides $5 <1mW reds and one play with a 5mW green. The green was an army issue waterproof one though! Can't wait till I can afford a blue, and by the time I do, they're going to be mighty powerful!

Good unit you got there (novalasers won't let you down), and welcome to the forum! ;)
Oh, so you're in Australia? Be careful when you shine it around outdoors then because of the new laser laws there, otherwise the cops may come and think that you are a laser lunatic! ;D
Yeah I did my research and found that most people on here are fans of Nova. I'm not going to wave it around too much at night in metropolitan areas... I know what I'm risking!
