Hello, these goggles are rated OD2 for 400-532nm will that be too low for a 445nm? I can't find any other goggles that actually look decent and are a reasonable price! I am trying not to spend over $50 on goggles. If those are no good then these should suffice, correct?
New Laser Eye Safety Glasses Goggles Protect 532 473 - eBay (item 270657486878 end time Nov-07-10 19:00:33 PST)
Here are the novas
NOVA Shields Sport Alignment - Safety Equipment - Novalasers Inc.
Thank you.
New Laser Eye Safety Glasses Goggles Protect 532 473 - eBay (item 270657486878 end time Nov-07-10 19:00:33 PST)
Here are the novas
NOVA Shields Sport Alignment - Safety Equipment - Novalasers Inc.
Thank you.