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NEWB lookin for a good deal


Aug 3, 2007
Im looking for a laser. I really just want to impress my friends but I want something that will at least light up a cigg. Im trying to keep it under 100 bucks. but im looking for a reputable store any ideas guys thanks

Goggles will cost you around $50.00 - so that leaves $50.00 for a laser...I will ASSUME you would be smart enough to wear goggles to light a ciggie with a laser....

If your budget is almost set in stone, buy the goggles first, then spring for a laser from Deal extreme - but do yourself a favor, and do it in that order - otherwise you wont see the keyboard any more, and wont be able to tell us how you lost your eyesight !
riffyb said:
Im looking for a laser. I really just want to impress my friends but I want something that will at least light up a cigg. Im trying to keep it under 100 bucks. but im looking for a reputable store any ideas guys thanks
You could buy some red diodes in the group buy and throw a few lasers together for a cheap price, and still have money left for goggles. Daedal posted a nice tutorial on making a driver for it in the experiments and mods section if you need help. And they should easily be able to light up a cigg with it.
Yes - sorry for my "intense" reply....PLEASE wear goggles if you do that, though...
can lasers from dx light cigarettes? why anyone would point something at their face that could ignite something is beyond me, with or without safety glasses i'd say it's a dumb thing to do. a laser can get you laid (i have it on good authority), but if you're all burnt up you'll need more than an impressive cigarette lighter to get chicks (hot ones anyway). though if you're blind and burnt up you could probably get a nice fatty or a butterface with your laser, you cant see so why would you be fussed? either way remember to post a vid of what you do :)

talkin bout impressive lighters, my iron melting torch penny melter should be here shortly, a supposed 3000'C in the palm of my hands. the fun i'll have with that
no one said you have to put the cigarette in your mouth when you light it...  
Just hold it in your hand and burn the edges until it starts smoking then puff away.  

Also - don't smoke (just a legal disclaimer) ;)

Safety Glasses are still a good idea  8-)
thanks for the replies guys. and i meant 100 for the laser. goggles I would have gotten before obviously. So i guess 150 total. And I wouldnt light up a cigg with a laser pointed to my face. I would love to see the look on my friends faces when they are looking for a light and i pull out a laser and light their cigg up haha. Also I thought that Deals express takes forever to ship. Correct me if I am wrong please
Deal extreme lasers do take a while to ship (2 weeks) but if your on a small budget, they are awesome lasers
riffyb said:
I would love to see the look on my friends faces when they are looking for a light and i pull out a laser and light their cigg up haha.0

You mean with the cool style and ease as if you were using a lighter?

Nope. Not even close.

Take a good magnifying glass on a bright sunny day and light your freind's cigarette with it.

That's about how easy a "laser lighter" is.

SHIT!!! My mom! Quick! Put it out! Put it out! OW! Jesus Chri...! Be careful! ! crap! crap! crap! crap! Oh man!
yew.sir-name said:
...get a nice fatty or a butterface with your laser,...

"Butterface"?  What....?  I'm laughing my ass off and I have no idea of what it is!  What is it?

F_cking "butterface"!!!!   That is great!
Placebo said:
[quote author=riffyb link=1186108019/0#6 date=1186120090] I would love to see the look on my friends faces when they are looking for a light and i pull out a laser and light their cigg up haha.0

You mean with the cool style and ease as if you were using a lighter?  

Nope.  Not even close.

Take a good magnifying glass on a bright sunny day and light your freind's cigarette with it.  

That's about how easy a "laser lighter" is.  

SHIT!!! My mom!  Quick! Put it out! Put it out! OW!  Jesus Chri...! Be careful! ! crap! crap! crap! crap! Oh man!  


why do you bother posting? how has this helped me make a desicion. If I wanted a lighter I'd buy it. If you wanted a laser you would buy it. If I wanted to drive a volkswagen I'd buy one. Whats the problem? Im not allowed to have a laser as a lighter? Or a car to get from point a to point b? It still gets the job done doesnt it?
Thanks everyone else for you usefull input. Has anyone recently ordered from DX I wouldn't mind ordering a laser from them but Im just worried it will take forever to come.
The AVERAGE time frame is about 2 weeks from time of order - it also depends on which one you order ! If you are going ooober high in power, it will take MUCH longer to come in, as they are considered "freak" units that are not too common...some folks waited almost 2 months for their 200mw ones to come in, others waited about 10 days :P Their shipping is not consistent either way - but they sell decent stuff at GREAT prices, so order away, you will be pleased you bought one ! Uhm...safety sam coming out again...didja look into goggles yet ? :P
no not yet but I will be for sure. Its nice that someone especially a mod would take the time to make sure the members are safe haha. I think im going to order one in a little bit. They say its on back order
few questions. saw on the forums about a doubling optic lens? I was reading a member put this on his 20mw laser and he could burn things at 2cms away. not much but still works. and is it possible to buy an Ir filter somewhere plus that lens and use it with the DX true 50mw laser. By the time that comes ill order some goggles and have them with in  a week anyways.. also think I will have trouble getting it in the US?
my kickass lighter came, as did my modules and thermal grease. when i got home my wife used up all my gas trying to melt a penny. she's sweet :) and my lighter is the shit. has two flame settings, something i didn't know it had

riffyb said:
few questions. saw on the forums about a doubling optic lens? I was reading a member put this on his 20mw laser and he could burn things at 2cms away. not much but still works. and is it possible to buy an Ir filter somewhere plus that lens and use it with the DX true 50mw laser. By the time that comes ill order some goggles and have them with in a week anyways.. also think I will have trouble getting it in the US?

if you plan on pulling out a laser and a lense to light up your friends cig it'll take away most the 'magic' of having a laser that can burn things on the move? .oO(hold this and suck) *shakes head* i've read somewhere that using some over exposed camera film acts as a good ir filter. but i've also read that the dx 'true' 50mw has a pretty good ir filter so you should be pretty safe as far as ir is concerned. if i were you (and seeing as though you have some pennies left over), wait a week and order the cheaper 50mw too. that way you can do a comparison, and you wont have to wait too long before you get your next laser. once you have one you'll want them all. picture pokemon, they aint got nothing on lasers. one is never enough. us customs... again from what i've read these should be no issue getting it through.

Butterface"? What....? I'm laughing my ass off and I have no idea of what it is! What is it?

Butterface... a girl with a fit hot tight body, butterface looks like shrek chewing a bee.

a quick google came up with this


  • fergie.JPG
    39.1 KB · Views: 117
