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FrozenGate by Avery

Newb laser user questions.

Aug 10, 2012
Hello LPF this is my first post. I'm glad I found this forum, i have learned a lot about lasers. I am not really new to lasers, my first laser was a cheapy 5mW green laser (probably without IR filter..), as I learned more and grew more interested in lasers I purchased the 75mW viper 532nm laser from dragonlasers. I love it!

Now on to my questions...
I have placed an order for dragonlasers 1watt spartan blue laser, along with the corresponding wavelength safety glasses. I know how dangerous this laser is, and plan to be very cautious with it. Here are my questions:

1. Is it still possible to damage my eyes with this laser even with the safety glasses on?
2. Is it safe to look at this laser in doors without glasses, as long as its not on a reflective surface?
3. Do I need to wear the glasses if I'm using this laser outdoors for stargazing, or just messing around with it (although being cautious and aware of my surroundings)

I just would like to know if I could have fun watching the laser beam in a smoky room without having to use the glasses. All indoor burning experiments I will use the glasses. And from what I understand using the glasses will help with engraving on woods&paper since you see the pinpoint of the dot.

Thanks to anyone who helps me out! I am super excited to receive this high powered laser as it will be my first high powered one. I also ordered the 3.0volt tenergy cr123a rechargeable batteries for this laser as I heard they are the best battery for this laser. After I get a feel for this laser I will eventually buy a mini tripod, or make my own.

I guess I am just too excited :)

FDA states anything above 5mw could damage your eyes. So you should wear glasses.
I use my 75mW without goggles, I am very cautious with where I point it, and no damage has been done to my eyes which is why I am wondering about the spartan. Thank you for the reply though.
rule of thumb: indoors = always wear goggles, even when pointing on walls as the diffuse reflection (fancy term for "the laser dot") os any laser higher than 500mw will harm your eyes

outdoors=keep goggles on, but if your carefull, you can take them off while star pointing etc
