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FrozenGate by Avery

''New Wish'' Laser pointer beam no longer focused


May 22, 2011
hey guys, Bought my first laser a week ago, and it arrived yesterday. Flicked about with it for a bit,


Just picked it up today and the beam is no longer focused. Instead of being a tiny dot it's become a bit more of a green torch.

It hasn't undergone any form of shock or otherwise, I've treated like a geek would treat a £60 geek gadget, Like a pretty lady. :)

I think maybe the diode has become slightly displaced in the housing perhaps and / or the lens needs cleaning.

Is there an easy fix for this? I can find no way of getting inside it, and what appears to be the lens cap won't unscrew.

Should I have a crack at fixing it, or just send it back for a replacement? I don't want them to think it's my fault however. Seems strange that this has happened with less than 20 minutes use, I appreciate they are delicate things but not *this* delicate :P

Tis a *very* sensitive lady this one.

Kindest regards,
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Re: ''New Wish'' Laser pointer bean no longer focused

If it didn't get dropped or messed with, it probably has changed modes.

Shine the light through a magnifying glass (to expand the beam) onto a wall a couple of feet away.

Is the spot a solid circle? I'm guessing not. If the beam is split into several parts (2-38 parts) it has shifted into a different mode. There is very little you can do about that.

There are a couple of things you can try. Sometimes a laser will shift modes because the voltage is low. Check (or replace) your batteries. Also, try cleaning up ALL contact points in the laser.

Sometimes temperature will effect the beam. Try putting it into the refrigerator for a time and see how it looks

If those work, you need to return it, if you can

Re: ''New Wish'' Laser pointer bean no longer focused

How long is the battery life on these things? I put energiser lithium in them when I got it. Everyone knows the batteries they ship with are naff :P

There is no central point, and the beam is all fractured. I didn't realise lasers had different 'modes' I thought apart from the ones that specifically do create different patterns, it was all point and shoot, recieve tiny dot :P

Better get back to the seller :O
