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FrozenGate by Avery

New to the laser world need advice.


New member
Feb 16, 2020
i'm new to the laser world and before start to buy stuff for building lasers i wanted to know what i need to learn first.
Something else?
Thanks in advance.

And what's a good beginner project to help understand how laser works?
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You need to learn safety first. Read up on laserpointersafety.org as well as many sticky threads on here as you can. Then buy EaglePair laser goggles and get a laser 303 of eBay to learn the basics of what a laser is.
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I already made a post in the Welcome section,
expect that i want to know how laser work i don't know what else i should say.
What i'm gonna do when i will buy the safety goggles and the laser 303?
Will disassembly the laser?
If you buy a 303 style laser don't take it apart. They are put together with glue which makes that difficult. If you buy the 532nm green 303 laser remember the 18650 battery goes in + toward the tail cap. Get it from eBay as they are ~$6.00 there and are theexact same laser that others sell for much more.
