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FrozenGate by Avery

New to forum and first high powered laser. Needing advice!

Feb 7, 2015
Hi there, I am relatively new to the forum. However, I've been browsing the threads as I've been researching lasers for my first purchase. I've been considering getting a laser for a few years and the time was finally right. I want to thank the group for all the great threads and unlimited knowledge! I chose to purchase a Sky Lasers 532nm 300mw handheld. It should be arriving today (fingers crossed). I ordered it with the fastest shipping possible which was DHL and I've heard some horror stories. I ordered a few extra batteries and of course a pair of goggles. Update: My laser just arrived. It appears to be in great shape, feels nice and DID ship with a battery. I will do an in depth review once I have had some time to experiment and get used to the laser, it's operation, what it will and will not burn etc. I will mention that I ordered the laser from sky-lasers.com on February 2nd 2015 and received it today February 10th 2015. From some of the horror stories I have heard that seems like a fairly quick order. I Paid $210 with shipping and though I don't know a lot about high powered lasers it seems to be very nicely constructed, it's a good weight and balance wise feels comfortable in my hand. I would like to have it tested to see if it is up to spec. If anyone knows of a way to accomplish this please let me know. I also welcome any and all advice, recommendations, fun experiments etc. Also what a good duty cycle is for a laser such as this. Again, sky lasers 532nm 300mw handheld. I hope to hear from you guys soon. Thanks for putting up with the noob!

Hey rogue,

Congrats on your first high powered laser! If you would like to have it LPM'ed we have a thread about members who will do it for you FOR FREE! Just send them your laser. Link:

One cool experiment you can try is by using a yellow highlighter. If you aim your 532 at it it will fluorescence it and you will get a pretty cool result(won't say anything so it's a surprise). Make sure to wear your goggles!

Enjoy your laser! :D

Welcome Ben, I think we have 2 or 3 members in Oregon and some in California that could meter it for you so you don't have to ship it too far. Or just wait until you own a few lasers and decide to buy your own LPM.

For the duty cycle I would probably keep it down to 30 seconds.

Just in case you don't know it yet, a 532nm isn't a direct diode laser, it is a complex design called DPSS, so if it's not IR filtered and most of them aren't, then it's also putting out 808nm and 1064nm. So if you got those cheap $10 glasses be sure not to take a direct hit or shine it at anything too reflective, get better glasses that cover green and IR when you can get around to it. It's safe to view the beam without glasses if you are careful but the dot will be too bright to look at unless at long distance outside. Be aware that DPSS lasers break easy because of their complex crystals and optics, someone here is always dropping and breaking an expensive one. And if you do break it be aware that it may still be putting out IR and can still be dangerous. DPSS lasers are also temperature sensitive.

