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FrozenGate by Avery

New host for my laser


Jan 20, 2014
hey guys,

i decided to give my last laser a new, better, "perfect" host.
the current one is nice too, but the picture will recognize that i should get a new one.


the heatsink is not fit good (no idea how to fix it)

i dont think about buying one from a user there, because i have not that much money and the shipping to germany is a bit to long and too expensive.

i will keep it small, powering it with two 16340 batteries, my 17mm 925mA driver and the current diode. i just want to change the host.

it would be maybe possible to do it even (no idea if google translator was good enough here.) or searching for a new small host with better outlook for a good heatsink (fitting good in host and for the diodemodule)

hopefully you understand me ._. im not really good in grammar there and finished school.. weird.

can you give me any suggestions?

thank you!:yh:
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What host is that and where did you buy it. I assume your driver is round? If so they aren't always removable from the pill. I don't know where to buy with cheap shipping to Germany, but if you want something small that takes two 16340 I recommend one of the Survival Laser hosts. A C6 is the cheapest DIY C6 Host Assembly and buy one of their heat sinks to go with it. They have drivers too if you need one.

i think i will buy one when i am starting my study and earn my first own money ^-^

thank you
