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FrozenGate by Avery

New green diodes in laser gun sights

Oct 3, 2011
New Green Laser Sight from Lasermax Is Brighter and Uses Less Power?SHOT Show 2014

I was wondering how long it would be before they started to make them for gun laser designator/sight systems. I've always hated that most of these sights are so low powered. Now, if they are using these new can diodes, you should be able to modify the driver to get more output. Hopefully they will put it in a decent one that can be accessed and altered.

Will this be for your airsoft gun?

Will you be adding heatsinking? How about an external battery pack for longer run times? Are you going to make it focusable so you can light matches and pop balloons too?

If you want a high power direct green, there are simpler and much cheaper ways...
