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New and looking for first time laser project!


Jul 19, 2012
Hey guys I am getting into electronics and i really want to build a high powered laser (something 2 watts or above). Preferebly i want it to be visible (405 to 445 nm is my preference).

Where should i got to get schematics on building a laser like this? What are some good places to buy high power laser diodes? What should i know about getting into building this circuit?

I saw a video online about something with a twin diode setup, if i understood him correctly he set up two less powerful diodes to make a more powerful beam (like 2 2W turning into a 4W). Is this standard for making a stronger beam?

Where can i buy some good housing? Or is it usually custom machined?

Thanks for the help! I am excited to build this thing!

Hey guys I am getting into electronics and i really want to build a high powered laser (something 2 watts or above). Preferebly i want it to be visible (405 to 445 nm is my preference).

Where should i got to get schematics on building a laser like this? What are some good places to buy high power laser diodes? What should i know about getting into building this circuit?

I saw a video online about something with a twin diode setup, if i understood him correctly he set up two less powerful diodes to make a more powerful beam (like 2 2W turning into a 4W). Is this standard for making a stronger beam?

Where can i buy some good housing? Or is it usually custom machined?

Thanks for the help! I am excited to build this thing!

Im new too, I would also like to know these things! I have many years experience with electronics and circuit-building, cant beleive I never experimented with lasers before :thinking:

Same here, id like to build a nice visible laser :gun:
Where to begin. Well first and foremost, get some goggles https://sites.google.com/site/dtrlpf/home/laser-safety

Second, if you're JUST getting into electronics and the laser hobby, start small, work your way up. Try a 200-300mw red build, then maybe a 1w blue. Those were my first 2 builds about 6 years ago now.

If you want visibility 532nm is your best bet. 445 has a good balance between burning capabilities and visibility, whereas 445 is a bit better for burning but slightly less visible compared to 445 (to my eyes at least).

You can find hosts and custom heatsinks along with diodes, drivers, lens, etc Here Laser Pointer Forums - Discuss Lasers & Laser Pointers - Search Forums


Cajunlasers Store

Aaanndd here


Have a nice day :beer: and if anyone hasn't shown you this yet read ALL OF IT, new guys tend to skim ;)


2 watts for your first build? And you're just getting into electronics? :eek:

I don't want you hurting yourself or frying a super expensive diode. Try something smaller, maybe 500-1500 mW (I'm aiming a bit higher here than LaserPointerer because I can tell you're eager to set things ablaze, just like me when I first started)

But, GET YOURSELF SOME GOGGLES. Don't end up blinded by your first laser. That would be somewhere between ironic and pitiful.

Here are some good glasses:
Eagle Pair® 190-540nm Standard Laser Safety Goggles
The second one IS NOT certified, but there's some place on the forums where they tested it, and it worked really well.


I like 445nm myself, but that's because blue is my favorite color :D
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