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New Abstract/Graphic show "Geronimo"

Aug 21, 2009
Just wrapped up my last show for SELEM.

This is an abstract show with digitized video sequences.

The native american hoop dancer is Nakota LaRance, a six-time World Championship winner who recently toured with Cirque du Soleil for the "Totem" show.


I did the video manipulation and sequencing in Final Cut Pro Studio, the video to ilda conversion with Lasercam, and the show sequencing and abstracts in LSX. Played through an Etherdream DAC and my homemade projector.



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Very nice. Love all that swirling and twisting into itself on the abstract stuff. Now if only I could figure out how to do that!
thank you speedy!

it's really not very hard to do these things in LSX. if you're going to SELEM, i'll be happy to show you some tricks.

Very nice. Love all that swirling and twisting into itself on the abstract stuff. Now if only I could figure out how to do that!
Unfortunately I'm unable to go this year. Attempting next year for sure if the wife lets me!
Dang. I go to school about 2 hours away from SELEM... this makes me really want to go this year.

Well done! :D

