When I read it I understood what you were saying and didn't have one thought of criticism regarding any point myself because I understood they were generalizations for common laser pointers as well as only for 532nm, it says so right from the beginning but maybe you added that later after Cyparagon made a point about wavelength. To make the report less assailable, just preface what you are writing with a simple statement that these are generalizations for common 532nm laser pointers of about 2mm beam diameter with somewhat average humidity or particulates in the air. I don't know what average is though
At the moment, I have no idea how to talk about particulates in the air, how do you quantify that to where someone can have any idea how their air environment differs from someone else's? I say that yet at the same time, my environment doesn't change much in that regard unless I purposely do something to change it, such is ruffling a blanket, slapping pillows around etc.
I realize we might see things differently from one person to another, but on average, I don't think we are that different when it comes to green, maybe red or blue there might be more perceptual variation between individuals due to our eyes being only 10% as sensitive at those wavelengths compared to green, but for 532nm that's near the middle of our eyes peak color sensitivity, I'd find it surprising that any of us would notice a few percentages plus or minus in our eyes sensitivity to 532nm green.
Ok so we're got a green laser.err all know that it is ir pumped through the ktp crystal but no matter how much b your diode pumps I off it goes to a 1mmx1mmx2mm crystal guess what you got the same beam provided your opticsour maximum efficiency because if you got dirty lenses for the misaligned you're going to lose power so assuming we got maximum efficiency on our optics the bottleneck still remains the crystal my laser drops 432 milli amps but since the crystal is 1 by 2 by 2 I get a little bit more output than a one by one by two but regardless the size of the crystal really does matternow when you find a source for 4 millimeters by 4 milimeter by 2 milimeter Christian please let me know because um then I'll see a bigger output not see a larger fatter beam and my green will be a mean green