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FrozenGate by Avery

Need pointers on pointers

Feb 22, 2014
I just want a good green laser pointer to use during presentations.

I don't want to pop balloons. I don't want to start fires. I don't want to blind airplane pilots. I don't want to do anything but point at slides on a screen. And I like the green ones since they're so much more visible than red.

That should be simple. I have a drawerful of rejected green laser pointers to prove that it's not.

I *do* want quality construction. My bags get kicked around a bit; this has to deal with that. Doesn't have to be waterproof, or tested to nine gravities, but it can't be a fragile piece of laboratory gear.

I *do* want it to be approximately as reliable as gravity -- press the button, get a green dot. In the middle of a presentation, I don't want to be shaking the pointer, wondering why it went to sleep.

I *do* want a stable beam... doesn't have to be that bright, but it has to be consistent, not wandering dim to bright and back.

I *do* want the button to be arranged so that it's not accidentally activated in my briefcase, draining the batteries. A lockout switch of some sort would be ideal.

And, ideally, I'd like it to run on AA batteries, because I carry those for other gear. AAA would be acceptable. Less common batteries are only acceptable if it meets all the other criteria above.

I have two Wicked Lasers (both failed), a 'lasershk.com' (unstable, unreliable beam), and three other no-names (two from Amazon, one from a retail store). NONE of them meet what I would call the barebones requirements of ruggedness, reliability, and consistent beam strength.

I'm willing to spend a reasonable amount of money for a quality pointer, but I can't FIND one. Suggestions, please? Thanks!

What you need is a DIODE green, not DPSS, so ideally. 515/520nm pointer from somewhere like laserbtb.com

Laserbtb pointers for this wavelength start at around 5mW, which is where you want to be as it's still eye safe.


Alternately you could use laserglow.com and get one of their 532nm pointers, which will likely be a bit more fragile but can definitely come in at under 5mW.
