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need laser schematics...please help...

Jan 4, 2008
well the project that i want to do is probably a little to advanced for a noob at lasers like my self, but im no dummy.anyway, i want to make a laser that is capable of burning/hurting, or causing pain to skin ::) i was told that i would have to have a laser pointer that has several laser diodes on a single circuit around 2w of power. is there anyone out there, who is capable of building such a laser of good quality, preferably high quality.... or is there anyone out there whos is willing to give me datailed schematics for the entire laser? ie: driver, diode, specs, every little thing that i need to know, how to test my circuits and everything!, and a reputable company that i could buy my products from?...if so please contact me with any information....it is very appriciated...another ?....if i manged to build such a laser, how far would it be able to perform with such burning power? thanks for your help! :-X

destructables said:
or causing pain to skin
Well, all ya need is one of Senkat's red diodes and feed it 200ma and focus it on non-white skin and there ya got pain. :) Oh, and focus a 200-250ma red into someone's eye and there's plenty of hurting. Especially when they catch up to you.. ;)
You know you already put a post with this same thing, it can get anoying when people post the same things like 2 or 3 times...

I doubt many people would want to help you with details if you intend to use it to hurt people, all it takes is one person being stupid and shining them at planes and burning people to ruin it for everyone else...


...lazer... ;D ;D ;D
Agree, no help from me unless he explains what his real intentions are. Smart people do not want to injure others with lasers.
[smiley=lolk.gif] [smiley=tekst-toppie.gif]
This dude is weird just asking to help him build a laser to burn through skin. [smiley=undecided.gif]
