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FrozenGate by Avery

Need help with Hyperion Cu (2 watt) LPM


Jun 12, 2016
I want to upgrade the software (unlock code) to the 6 watt (Ag) version.

I want to get the non-coated version of the sensor and any software needed to upgrade to the 20 Watt version.

I would also like to learn more about the data logger and start using it.

Yes, I have tried contacting astralist for many weeks about the above, he seems intent on ignoring me and my offers to pay him for his products/services/expertise.

Hi AaronT

so sorry for gone missing about one month, just back and forth to remote area with intermittent GPRS signal
trying to open the LPF but browser keeps getting me timeout message! at best i could only open half of the page!

i just replied to my sales thread and discussion thread.

Allow me to instruct you to unlock your Hyperion Cu to Ag:
  1. Download the datalogger software here: http://goo.gl/gwiZTo
  2. Install and open, some aggressive/cheap antivirus might gives you a false positive warning/detection.
  3. Click "upgrade" button on top right of the window/header.
  4. Follow the instruction carefully, very carefully.
  5. PM me the hardware id, and i'll give you the unlock code. :beer:

some windows with certain updates or the one with conflicting software may prevent the Vritonuzz to run correctly, let me know if this happened.

