PowerMax PM3-100... That's one big puppy
You need to open it up and see what kind of driver it has.
Your goal is to modify the feedback circuitry. I honestly wouldn't touch that supply,its just so big and wonderful...
Tahmid's blog (google it) is a nice way to learn basics of SMPS. When you find out what is the driver in your supply,find a datasheet for it and look for error amplifier(or what ever feedback topology it has) and post it here so we can figure out how to mod it (if its even possible). :beer:
Okay...I will go and see what kind of driver the PM3-100 has. I will let you know as soon as I get that information on it. Thanks so much for your help! This is all just so great!
I will also check out Tahmid's blog on SMPS.