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FrozenGate by Avery

need help with 200mw laser plz

Mar 20, 2015
hi i bought a 200mw 532nm green laser off ebay, when it got in it was working a1 and then all a sudden when i would be outside n point at the sky the beam would be super bright when i click the on switch but would dime down to barly visible beam... so i tryed charging the battery n it still does the same thing. but it doesnt do it all the time it acts like that some times n sometimes its fine.. any one got any ideas what would be wrong ?? thanks guys

How cold was it outside?

Your laser is probably DPSS (Diode pumped solid state). DPSS lasers don't function very well in cold temperatures. Just warm your laser up before you use it.

Correct me if i'm wrong on this stuff.

Also, introduce yourself in the welcome section and add your location. Most people would be more willing to help you with other problems if you do this.
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no you didnt buy a real 200mw laser from ebay u bought a cheap crappy laser from china thats why it stopped working u can get a good one and u can get a really crappy one sounds like u got the last part.
