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FrozenGate by Avery

Need help picking the right laser

Jul 15, 2007
Hey everybody, newb here. I'm in the market for a laser around 100 - 160 US but I don't know what to pick.

I'm looking at the DX200 vs the X-85, or X-65

Anybody know which one would be the better/safer buy? All I care about is the beams brightness. Or maybe theres a different model I should look at.

Anyway your help is greatly appreciated. :D

The nova will be more stable, but the DX is cheaper - the DX also has a bit of IR leakage, so if BRIGHTNESS is all you are worried about, go DX. If quality, and accessories are cool to you, then go Nova :-)
theres just one thing to consider with the DX 200, the output has been noted to be all over the place, sometimes it's over 200mw, and sometimes it goes under 100mw. If you are not worried about this, it's a good laser for the price, but otherwise, i'd go nova. It's your laser, so your decision ;)
with dx theres a chance u might not get it because of customs.. and if its damaged or broken u cant do anything. with nova theyll replace or even upgrade you

PRODUCT X105 Compact Portable Laser
PRICE USD209.00 USD209.00

Subtotal: USD209.00
Less discounts used: (USD10.45)
GST: USD11.91
PST: USD15.88
Total: USD226.34


So based on your guyses test results, this should be almost as good as a DX200 but without the IR and very stable? lol

BTW Im glad I found this forum and thanks on the discount! I chose NOVA since you all speak highly of them and they are based in Trono which is about an hour from where I live in Waterloo, so should be fast shipping!! :D

I cant believe I spent all that money on a freekin laser pointer what is wrong with me LOL
