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FrozenGate by Avery

Need Help! on my 20mW green laser module.

Oct 24, 2010
Hi there,

I recently bought an 20mW green laser module.
My problem is how do I power this thing I know it uses batteries but which one?
the specifications are:

And one last thing ho do I connect the power source.
my first time trying this out.


Can you tell us more about the module?
Where did you buy it?
Does it include a driver?
If so, what is the voltage requirement?
The review on DX say that the wires are blue and red, with the blue being the +.

It might be true for yours as well, you could get a battery holder for two batteries?
Or just use some tape?

You could also start reading up on how to build a laser, there is plenty of material on this site. Just be careful, it can be an expensive hobby. :D
Is there a way to operate it, like say in a spirograph, with it wired up to a switch on the outside?

Like if you didn't want to use that little button on it, if you were mounting it within a spirograph.
Yes, but you will have to solder a bit of wire across the connections on the button.

(or maybe improvise something with a bit of eraser and tape to hold the button down. :D)
It is possible, but it would be much easier to short it where it connects to the print.
