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FrozenGate by Avery

Need Help Choosing A New Toy

Jul 16, 2013
Hey Guys,
I am totally new to the laser scene, but I have some friends that have green ones, and I really want to show them up. I was wondering if ya'll could direct me to the best possible green laser for under 50 dollars. I would like the laser to go far, light matches, and possibly pop a balloon (not sure if this is possible for 50 dollars). But, anywho, I would like the laser to be able to do that cool little kaleidoscope thing where it looks like a bunch of little starts turning... the type of battery that it takes doesn't matter, I can buy batteries. Anyway, your help would b much appreciated :D

based on your budget you wont get far. lasers are expensive and im guessing your friends just have cheap fleabay laser pens so showing them up will be easy. if you want anything of any quality then you are looking at spending right above $50 at a minimum. might want to browse the B/S/T section and please post what you are looking at buying before you purchase it. see way too many people buy crap these past few months then say "well i bought it before i had the chance to ask you guys if it was good." DONT WASTE your money like this and if you are going to waste it like this then send me the money and ill send you a cheap fleabay pen.
Laserbtb ;) relatively cheap quality lasers, listen to what livinloud said, don't waste your money on crap fleabay lasers
Yeah....less than $50 for a quality green laser? That's tough.

I echo what Livinloud and will manners have written...spend the extra money and get something that will not only last, but will get you a better quality beam (ie low divergence, small beam diameter, etc). You'll be happy you did.
I will agree on laserbtb. They are of high quality but relatively cheap in comparison to competitors. They are normally over spec as well so you get more than you pay for. I own one and would buy another but now I build my own lasers.

Thought I said laserbtb in my first post buy guess that was another thread :p
