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FrozenGate by Avery

My X65 :(

May 31, 2007
Here is the thing. I have Noticed the the power button on my X65 is starting to get a lil weird.

I now have to press much harder on button to get it to work.
It will still make click noise but nothing will happen until I apply a little more pressure
than it used take. Is this common?

Nope - not common at all. Email tech support, and ask for an RMA. Tell them your button is dying a slow and painful death. (I will take bets that he will not say exactly that !)
Greenie --

I'm not going to say that it's common but it does happen. Those little switches can and do occasionally go bad especially at higher current. There's a number of posts here and on CPF discussing this problem.
SenKat just yesterday posted about using switches harvested from DVD drives as replacements. If it's under warranty or you are not electronically inclined, send it back for repair.

Ok thanks a lot.

Will contact NOVA. Using your exact words :) But no. Copied my post here and emailed.

Greenie - since you haven't had it except for a few days - you should see if they will cross ship you a new one - in other wirds, you send yours, and they send theirs at the same time ? Maybe if you secure the transaction with a credit card they would do that ? I know when my super expensive phone died on me, I had them send me a new one, while I sent mine at the same time - so I was without a phone for 1 day I think. They charged my credit card, and then refunded it back to my account as soon as they received the bad one.
SenKat said:
Greenie - since you haven't had it except for a few days - you should see if they will cross ship you a new one - in other wirds, you send yours, and they send theirs at the same time ? Maybe if you secure the transaction with a credit card they would do that ? I know when my super expensive phone died on me, I had them send me a new one, while I sent mine at the same time - so I was without a phone for 1 day I think. They charged my credit card, and then refunded it back to my account as soon as they received the bad one.

Ok SenKat.. I will call them as soon as I can and ask them if they could do that for me.

Wait! before you RMA it try stuffing some aluminum foil inside the battery cap so there is more pressure on the batteries inside the laser. It worked on my leadlight and it worked on a lot of people with Wicked lasers too with the same problem.
Ok let me give it a go..

I will post back in a few.

No WAY... button now works good as before.

but WHY?
Okay, that means that your button is not failing, you probably have a "relaxed" spring ! With the batteries squishing the spring, the connection between the positive end, and the tailcap was not working well.
Well Awesome.. So glad I do not have to send back.

Having so much fun with this thing..
Yea you better just RMA don't try to fix it because one slip and you could ruin the laser. Nova's people are top noch who knows maybe you'll get an even more powerful one from the RMA ;)
