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My Opinion On Those Whom I Delt With

Nov 2, 2007
Since I'm on school holidays I'm taking my precious spare time to give my trades feedback. It is not complete as I have dealt with Igor ; maybe next holidays ? Who knows ? After all I said I would make a 6x review for Igor but I still haven't done it (#'_'#) because of school. If you see any english mistakes tell me, my first language isn't english (who or whom?).

Matthew (Mohrenberg)

I've made a deal with him around July. I asked if he could buy me the NOIR laser protective eyewear (OD 7+ 180-532nm) along with a LCC red laser in the police host (I got it at 40$, my what a deal!), and send all of it to France to cut down the shipping costs. He accepted. When he received the package with the glasses, he found out that it wouldn’t fit in an envelope so he asked me to pay the difference. I did it with a delay since the credit card expired, but I was surprised that he sent before I even paid since I received the package the next day.
He was extremely fast and sent me a nice wooden box as a bonus. Although the 10440 battery he sent was defective, he did a full refund at the price of two batteries on DX (which was at the time 4.24 $).

In a nutshell : He is the best person I’ve ever dealt with. Period. No risks at all dealing with him, 100% trustable and trustworthy, and I recommend him for anything you want to get.
He responds fast, as he is constantly lurking on the forums. I give him a A+

Chris (LikeItBright)

I’ve decided to wait until now to make a general trade feedback, I said to myself, once I receive what I ordered. Back in august I placed an order for a custom green in a Romisen host. He placed the order with Susie; a week after upon reception, he started building, which took less than a week, and shipping to France (19,000 kilometres, or 12,000 miles) took 11 days. So, after 3 weeks and a half, it shook me to see that the laser wasn’t working. (DOH!!!) So, after 19,000 kilometres and 10,000 km back to China where there was stock problems on 200mW modules, and then after another 29,000km I received the laser today! (30th December 2009). Total distance is 87,000 km for waiting >4 months :D. (average speed is 8.5 m/s which is a lot faster than I can run).

Anyway this guy is 100 % trustworthy as well but the only downside is his location which makes the dealings last long…

Note : He is extremely consice when it comes to PM's, as Traveller mentioned. I like it since he tells what I need to know not a bag of excuses that technically all say "I haven't sent the laser yet".

He also sent me back the fountain pen box I used to send the laser back ! Never expected it back though... thanks

I recommend him for his building as well as polishing skills. The laser I have is kicka$$ !

I will add stuff if I have time... meaning 99.99 % chance of not happening :/ ; that's cuz In the meantime in my laser life, my priority is to give the green laser a review now !!! Then I'll be off for another 6 months....

Bye ya all ;)

Nice reviews :)

A few pics of your build would be great, it's always nice to have some eye candy!
Candy for Asherz...
My cam is broke so I used an old camcorder (750i), excuse the dirty pics.
there is some fog but the cam is not able to focus on the beam properly.


  • IMG_0136.JPG
    63.4 KB · Views: 79
  • IMG_0155.JPG
    70.3 KB · Views: 64
^ that first one is very cool, the beam just sort of appears shortly after the aperature :eek: :D
So you got the 200mW O-like old style (brass) module and it broke?
^ that first one is very cool, the beam just sort of appears shortly after the aperature :eek: :D

Yea. It was foggy outside and raining and I didn't wan't to sacrifice my lasers so I went outside (where I took the cold shower) and put the lasers inside. The beams appeared just after the window.

So you got the 200mW O-like old style (brass) module and it broke?

Yes, the first one (which outputted 210mW including IR) tested at Chris broke caused probably by a crystal misalignement or something like that. The new one is made of brass and is quite rough on the surface (so not polished?). The divergence could be better. The driver board is very clean.
