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My new laser show!!!!(soon)!


May 1, 2007
yay, tommorow i am going to order a RGY laser show off david lanling, using Jasons discount thing!! thanks jase!! i can't wait :-X but i have one question. in the description, it says DMX 512? does this mean i can plug it in and control it from my computer? anyone have any ideas for one, i know they are very expensive, so building one is probably the way to go 8-)any schematics? WOOOHOOO!!!can't wait to see that 260mw of yellow ;)

Hi Things, Grats on your laser show, I cant wait to see the vids of it in action.

I am not really Familiar with DMX512 as I dont own a Pro laser show (Yet) , But Pangolin (the people who make Industry standard Software control for some laser shows ) Have some nice info on their site. Here is a link.


thanks, i just sent an email to him now, when he responds, i'm going to order it!!!!!one thing is for sure, i'm ordering it tonight ;) i definately will post vids and pics, but for now, i have to wait. meh, in the shipping details, it says 3-7 days, that's not too long, how log would it take to australia?
i just bought it YYYYAAAAYYYY!!!!! ;D now i have to wait for it to get here :-X :-X :-X
Grats to you, I doubt shipping will take very long, Both my labbys were shipped on a Monday and I received them on a Thursday, but that is to the UK, Australia is a lot closer :)

he seems very nice in his emails ::) damn, it's the weekend tommorow, it won't get shipped over the weekend :'( i want my laser now ;D
he said it would take 3 days to australia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY
That is very impressive! Congrats :D :D Don;t forget to post TONS of pics and vids!! ;)

WOOHOO!!! it's here!!!!!!!! a day early too!!!!! lot's of pics and vids to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'll post 'em this afternoon, i got school today :-[ i't's really cool, but all the functions are controlled by 10 little dipswitches on the back, so i have to learn how to control it. Then i'll probably have a DMX controller, then i'll have to learn how to use that too :D :D i'm suprised it arrived early, maybe david found out that i was impatient from all the questions i sent him, and posted in next day delivery ;D ;D ;D
Incase your instruction manual didn't explain it & for the benefit for others on this board, DMX512 is a light board standard.

It means you can plug it into a theatrical controller that opperates using the DMX standard & operate the show from a light board.

Most theaters use DMX controllers these days so for a theater it's plug & play.
