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FrozenGate by Avery

My laser is broken, HELP!


May 25, 2007
I dont know what happened. It was amazing and bright all the time :'( but suddenly after two months it startet shining worse than 5mw :'( (its 100mW) What happened? How to fix it? :'(

Refresh my memory again - what kind of laser, where did you get it, have you dropped it, and can you attach a picture of it ?
nexus 95. i dropped it some time ago but nothing happened and now its brith as 5mw :'(
ow :( Is it one of the CNI style Nexus ? Or is it a "new" one - and are you the first owner, and how long have you had it ? ;D ;D
Did oyu buy it directly from Wicked, or did you buy it off of Ebay, or somewhere else ?
my friend bought on wicked and i bought from him. But it was working excellent 2 months!! :'(
Okay - do not panic !!!!!!! Have your friend call Wicked (or email them) they have a 90 day warranty, right ? As long as it has not been over 90 days, you may be able to return it, and get a new one back. I coulda sworn that they stopped selling the CNI modela a long time ago....are you SURE it is a CNI ?
it looks like fusion not like viper.

Which are better Old (cni) or new wicked?
ownee said:
it looks like fusion not like viper.

Which are better Old (cni) or new wicked?

then I don't think it's a CNI, the CNI's will burn without the lense the new wickeds have trouble burning without a lense.
Exactly ! Although I have heard of issues in the past with the older WL CNI types - it appears that CNI has done much better as of late, as is evident with NOVA's and Dragon's lasers !
I feel your pain, i broke my DX 20, but a new 30 is shipping right now ;D I am laserless :'(
it is shining but not so bright as before breaking... :'( what happened?
I am Guessing some damage has happened to the MCA (crystal set) maybe knocked out of place slightly. The fact it is lasing at all seems to suggest the pump diode is kicking out enough power and that is not at fault. (but I could be wrong).

Have you tried new batteries? if you have, then I suspect it is dying

