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FrozenGate by Avery

My global exams start this friday!!!

Jun 30, 2008
Sheetz, they're here again, 2nd round. Now with more things to study....
I have history, philosophy and technical drawing tests this friday....

Maths, language and phisics on monday and english on tuesday.

Guess what, i've been studying for 15 days just for the history test... 2 for philosophy... and i'm gonna study less than 3 hours for the rest of the exams...

yeah, i'm a sciences man (well, at least as man as i can be with 17 years).

Spanish history is like watching a B series soap opera.... a VEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY long one...
We had lots of idiot poiticians and lots of EPIC failures just when other european countries started doing things well.... we could be the most powerful country in the world... but now we mean less than a 0 in the left... except for those tourist who like cheap tourism.

If we had done things well, you'll probably be speaking spanish right now...
