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FrozenGate by Avery

My first laser- help me to classify

Jan 29, 2014
Hello everybody!

I am quite new on this forum.
Unfortunately I bought my first laser just hours before I found this forum, but this doesn't matter now.

So, postman came in today with my very first laser.
It just will be a boy-toy for me, I am very pleased with it's power, I like all those spectacular end-caps that makes funny spots on the neighbor's houses, but that's all.
Cost me about 10 Euros.
I feel that I could have much more better for even this price, so If anybody could offer me another cheap, yet much better, powerful laser, that would be perfect! (maybe are there any EU based ebay dealers? I don't really fancy of waiting 3-4 weeks for the chinese parcels).

Only one more question? Is it normal if after one sec the power button pushed the power of the beam's getting lower? Maybe it's just in outside... I don't really experienced it yet. (I know that it operates best among 25-30 celsius, but nowadays here the temperature is above 0 celsius, so I need to rush if I would like to enjoy my own little laser show outside the snowy landscape.

Let me show You some of my pictures!

So, here you are my green laser's pictures... (I feel that it's the worst, cheapest noname chinese product, and I way too overpaid that 10 Euros for it)
Doesn't mind, next time I will be more experienced buyer, and happily put aside some money for my next order.... with all your precious help!




you should check out the 50mw burning laser from LEDshoppe.com i would recommend that. it is a china site but i got mine on my door in 6 days and im in the us.
buy from laserbtb cheap and quality lasers if you want like a pen they have from 10mw up to 150.. and u can add IR filter too so your eyes wont get hurt.. and yeah its normal for cheaper green to become weaker like that.
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Thanks Mortuus!

So You say it's normal that if I push the button it's so shiny and powerful, then in a glance of eye it becomes half the power and shine.
(anyway, it's only seems during day, at full dark I can't see any change/weakening in it's power.)

Thanks, have a nice day!
Yesterday was OK and it was kind of a great feeling to play with it outside, but today it seems it lost it's power.
Is it OK?

What could I do? Ask the seller for a change, or all these cheap lasers do the same?
It powerful at the moment I push the button, but it couldn't maintain it's powerful beam more than a second now. I always keep it before the use on the heated floor, so it can't be because the winter outside.

Here You are a night shot, just made it, but with ISO 400 it's clearly seen that must have be much more visible green beam on the sky, doesn't have?
I mean it feels like I have to push the button all the time in order if I would like to enjoy a nice green beam on the sky. It can't be steadily powerful anymore. (I tried several batteries into it, doesn't help- maybe has to apply a special battery?)

Hi again!

I would like to get a better, more powerful/ more reliable laser pointer.
I found these two models for about 30$/20 euro.
Do You think they worth its price/ will be better than mine pen laser?

(The fact is that they are for sale in my country, so I could get them in 1-2 days, and this would be better for me than to order another model from china for less money, but with a 3-4 weeks waiting time)


What do you think about them?




Another one:



The lasers above ^ are the cheapest, most unreliable greenies on the market and will die in under 1 month.

One of my first lasers was a JD 303. It lasted 2,5 years till I sold it. I had another one for >1year, gave it to one of my acquaintances who is using it on a bow in the woods and at climbing tours in mountains.

-rep for spreading around false info again

@SlyCooper: So you´re from Hungary. Hi neighbour :)

You can expect around 50mW from them. Do you have the chance to test it locally? Some of these are more sensitive to the cold than others!
Thanks for the fast responses!

So 1:1 for the JD 303 lasers.
I really don't know what to do now.
Are they pretty much the same as the one I own now or far more better ones?
I tought I could get it if you think so and worth that 30$ the seller asks for them, then I would take an order from the chinese webshop You suggested. Until the best chinese laser arrives, I could still enjoy the JD303, then if the parcel arrives, I would sell it... (I hope it won't be that much money to loose. In the worst case I could sell it for a few EUROS less)

pm sent.

I really don't care about burning anything with lasers.
I just don't mind the burning capabilites.

For now I just would like to enjoy shooting green beams on the night sky, and maybe shoot few hundreds of little green stars/dots on my house frontage...
for 30$ you can get a nice 50mw pen from laserbtb, and you get a laser with true output, those you linked to are a gamble some might be good but some not. Its up to you but when buying lasers you want good stuff.

LP 515nm 532nm 1-150
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