First off, congrats on your purchase, and welcome to the forum !
Secondly, yes - 50mw and below have GOOD IR filters on them ! The 100 and 200mw versions do not have decent filters, so you are okay with the 30.
Thirdly, the dangers of IR are GREATLY over-rated ! Why, you ask ? Because IR comes out in an uncollimated, and unfocused flood - we are talking 10's of degrees divergence, not 1/10ths ! Picture a laser illuminating a billboard at 100 yards, and then picture you in a car, with the highbeams on at 100 yards on the same billboard - yeah, the headlights would be the IR spillage, but greatly exagerated - beyond a few inches, there is no residual IR left, and you would be safe. Wow - did I just say, safe ? YES !!!!
If you look in the multimedia section, I did a video called, dangerous demo - I was using a Coherent 1.2 watt fibre coupled 808nm (IR) diode to demo the powers of IR. I thought it would be much more interesteing, but beyond 2-3 inches, it would not even light a match ! So - longer story short, even if the DX 30 was leaking massive amounts of IR, you would be safe as long as you don't cram it into your eye socket !!!!
Some folks believe that greenies are too bright to even be used indoors - better safe than sorry, I say....unless you feel comfortable about the brightness, don't use it indoors ! I have no problems with it, personally, but some folks do. The only thing you must worry about, is not to shine it anyplace you may accidently shine it in anyone's eyes, or at any moving vehichle. :-? Hope this helps a bit !!!