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My DX 30mw Green Laser...


Jun 27, 2007
O.k don't get bad if this has been discuss before, but does the DX 30mw pen Green Laser have a good IR filter in it? I just order mine. Many people keep telling me different things and I don't know if it does in fact have a IR filter. If not...I might cancel my order.

Second, if it doesn't have a IR filter, what can I do to lessen the exposure of IR in my eyes? Should I just point to distant objects (like the sky)?

First off, congrats on your purchase, and welcome to the forum ! 8-)

Secondly, yes - 50mw and below have GOOD IR filters on them ! The 100 and 200mw versions do not have decent filters, so you are okay with the 30.

Thirdly, the dangers of IR are GREATLY over-rated ! Why, you ask ? Because IR comes out in an uncollimated, and unfocused flood - we are talking 10's of degrees divergence, not 1/10ths ! Picture a laser illuminating a billboard at 100 yards, and then picture you in a car, with the highbeams on at 100 yards on the same billboard - yeah, the headlights would be the IR spillage, but greatly exagerated - beyond a few inches, there is no residual IR left, and you would be safe. Wow - did I just say, safe ? YES !!!!

If you look in the multimedia section, I did a video called, dangerous demo - I was using a Coherent 1.2 watt fibre coupled 808nm (IR) diode to demo the powers of IR. I thought it would be much more interesteing, but beyond 2-3 inches, it would not even light a match ! So - longer story short, even if the DX 30 was leaking massive amounts of IR, you would be safe as long as you don't cram it into your eye socket !!!!

Some folks believe that greenies are too bright to even be used indoors - better safe than sorry, I say....unless you feel comfortable about the brightness, don't use it indoors ! I have no problems with it, personally, but some folks do. The only thing you must worry about, is not to shine it anyplace you may accidently shine it in anyone's eyes, or at any moving vehichle. :-? Hope this helps a bit !!!
Here is a night shot from a Canon video camera of my 30mW DX that I just took.  It is sitting on a cardboard box projecting roughly parallel to the surface.  Would there be visible blooming in the image if there was a significant amount of IR present?

I guess I don't have enough posts to post a link so change the direction of the first two slashes below for the pic:

****EDIT**** Added [ img ] [ /img ] tags to permit image hosting (remove the spaces from the [ and the "img" 8-) )
Thank-you so much. Is the beam of the DX 30mw pen "thicker" than my 5mw Green Laser beam? And how many miles can the DX 30mw be seen? 4 miles?

Is there any difference between the Dx 30 and DX 50 besides the brightness?

Once again, Thank-you both!

Now is the worst part: THE WAIT! :'(
Sprint - the beam will be a little thicker, but not much....also it WILL be brighter - a good formula is to get twice as bright, you gotta have 4 times as much power.

Chimo - I fixed your pic for you - you can post images by using the [ img] just remove the space for it to be translated as code...

I am not sure about the nightshot mode, as it is not a true IR picture - it could pick up some, possibly, but likely that is the flourescing of the cardboard due to the beam being so bright....
Thanks Senkat. I just recalled that I can borrow a Fluke Ti20 FLIR camera. Perhaps that may reveal IR. Cheers,

Is the DX 30mwb TRUE 30mw or less than 30mw?

And can the DX 30mw pen Green laser go beyond 30mw? like 35mw? 40mw? Its this possible?
All the DX lasers 50mw and under I have found to be either dead on accurate, or higher than rated ! you CAN pot mod these if you want, but you really risk killing it if you do so. You can increase the power by a large amount by using lithiums in it, too !
SenKat said:
All the DX lasers 50mw and under I have found to be either dead on accurate, or higher than rated ! you CAN pot mod these if you want, but you really risk killing it if you do so. You can increase the power by a large amount by using lithiums in it, too !

Thanks. Can the beam be seen during daylight?
you can see the beam a tiny little bit inside at daytime, if you basically look beside the beam
On a previous post i asked about what sort of visible beam could be seen with a DX 20 ( as i had had to replace 2 of them twice) reading about the DX 30 here i can only assume that my first DX 20 was pushing out well over 20Mw before its power dropped off.
I have now decided not to return the present 2 DX 20,s because i assume they are pushing out round about the DX rated output.(either that or i was very unlucky to have 6 lasers all with the same low output)
I guess i (like many others) i hoped that the beam would be much brighter than it appears on such low output models.
I will probably buy a DX 50 so I would like to see any pics of the DX 30 or 50 showing how the beam looks both indoors in low light ( with the DX 20 i can just about see it faintly looking alongside it withs "sparkles (probably dust) in it) and it can be seen at night quite clearly.(but not with the intensity that the 1st laser had before power drop off)
