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my 200mw dinodirect laser broke?

Sep 28, 2010
around 12 clock last night i was playing with my laser and all of a sudden it shuts off. i was using really low power batteries. when i look in to the laser i saw a very faint red dot coming from inside the laser.

what could be the problem with my laser??

also a few months earlier my 100mw laser from focalprice also broke i tried using new batteries but no luck wat could be the problem for this??

for the focal price one the diode is connected to a circuit board. the circuit board has a spring on the end for the batteries

im not sure about the dinodirect one
oh ok then I'm not to sure what happened...if your diode was connected directly to batteries I would have understood but if it is connected to a driver, driver defect maybe...
Do not EVER look inside a laser, if it had turned on when you did that you could be blinded permanently right now. Also that red is IR, which is kinda bad for your eyes... You should never look into the aperture of a laser with the batteries in it
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^^^^ DITTO!! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, look into the business end of a laser!
You are risking your eyesight. Even if you think you know what's wrong, it could be something else, and turn on.
As was already said, the dim red light you might see from a defective green laser is Infrared light and is MUCH stronger than your eyes and brain are telling you.

I keep reading messages from people that are doing this and I cringe every time.

Please be safe!!
Are your batteries connected to a circuit board or directly to your diode like this ?

You're a moron. Green lasers are DPSS lasers, not diode lasers. And the batteries are always connected to the circuit board. They dont sell direct battery connection lasers.

Do some more reading before handing out advice. You're wasting everyone's time.

The lasers died because they are cheap Chinese lasers. You get what you pay for.
That was not advice, I was asking to know because for a matter of fact I do know that connecting batteries directly to the diode will kill it. I was asking that so if that's what he did I could tell him it was not good. I said circuit board instead of driver because he did not know what a driver was. Sorry I might have missed out on the diode thing, yes you are right green laser are not diodes, they are DPSS. Sorry for the mistake. Should have thought about green lasers being whole modules before posting.

I did read and learn stuff before handing out advice. Hope this clears up some thoughts.

Thanks a lot for the negative reputation...I won't do it to you, that would be pointless...
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That was not advice, I was asking to know because for a matter of fact I do know that connecting batteries directly to the diode will kill it. I was asking that so if that's what he did I could tell him it was not good. I said circuit board instead of driver because he did not know what a driver was. Sorry I might have missed out on the diode thing, yes you are right green laser are not diode, they are DPSS.

I did read and learn stuff before handing out advice. Hope this clears up some thoughts.

Thanks a lot for the negative reputation...

Firstly that made barely any sense, and TJ was saying that there was no point to asking if the diode was hooked directly up to batteries because BOTH of the GREEN lasers he owns are DPSS so there's only an IR diode in there which will ALWAYS be attatched to a driver board if they are massed produced Chinese lasers which they are. It was just a pointless question basically on your behalf and has no relevance in solving the issue, it would be relevant if it was a DIY built red/blue/violet laser but it's not in this case.

I think the issue will be two things, since you havn't said whether you used new correct batteries with the one that recently broke try that first, which ever batteries it takes, I assume AAA.

Second, you could have dropped it or shook it and as the crystals are very sensitive to alignment they could have shifted causing no green light to be emitted and just Infrared, which brings me onto my third point:

NEVER LOOK INTO THE END OF THE LASER, that faint red glow your looking into is IR light, which is on the border of our visible spectrum hence the faint part, it's probably still putting out 100's of mW's of power and WILL damage your eyes, I suggest checking for blind spots or heading to an eye specialist to be sure if you notice any problems, headaches etc. Not that you'll bother :p

The 4th problem could just be that they're cheap Chinese crap, that don't tend to last much longer than a few months anyways, also mind your duty time, with pen lasers you want 30 seconds on 30 off.

Hopefully this helps, more so than checking if there's a driver attached.
Sorry again then...yes I know the whole thing about green lasers...the way he was talking about it, it sounded like a diode...he did not know what a driver was so I thought there was none on his laser so I asked. Don't wanna sound like a little dude that don't know anything :yh: !
I'll read a little more on green lasers...know more on bluray and red diodes...

Guess you're right...you're an electrical engineer by profession.

No offense intended to anyone...
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