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FrozenGate by Avery

My 1.1w blue laser is coming in tomorrow.. What safety goggles would you recommend?

May 28, 2012
They come with some regular glasses but the glasses don't look all that great.. Can you recommend me a pair of goggles that will fully protect me? I don't want to drop an unreasonable amount of money or anything.

Do you know the wavelength? 532nm means the laser is green color, 445nm means the laser is blue/violet color, 593.5nm means the laser is yellow, 635nm means the laser is red.
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How valuable is Your Eye sight.. Money should not be an oject when valuing the saftey of your eyes if you wanna enjoy this hobby.
Those goggles I included will protect you, I tested them on my LPM before shipping them out, however they do have a lower optical density and visible light transmission so a new pair of goggles might not be a bad idea.

These goggles are ANSI and CE certified:
ARG - Blu Ray, Argon, Blue, KTP [NR-ARG-EN207] - $80.50
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Survival has some good goggles that provide protection with a laser with less than 10W output for around $40
Laser Safety

Sounds like you got an OK for now tested pair with the laser
I've got these and the lasershades that come with an arctic. Both work nicely, but I prefer these eaglepair's. Theyre good for purple and blue, which are the only lasers I have. I'm getting a red one in the mail, but I'm not even going to assemble it till I get another pair of glasses, or get a friend to test it with my pair. Good on you for protecting your vision first!

Eagle Pair® 190-470nm & 660-760nm Laser Safety Goggles
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