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FrozenGate by Avery

Making focus rings out of scrap


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2019
Hello lpf! so today day 18 in corona virus lock down I though that fancying up my builds a bit will be a great idea it would be great adding custom focus rings on each one! So I ordered 2 brass focus rings from Rich for my brass builds but then I saw my zip lock bags full of scarp laser parts and I though "why don't I try diy ing some for my other builds?" The ones that Rich made for me look better but I thought it would be a fun project so here is the result:
First up the one I made for my 450 1.4w after losses build!

I'd say it turned out pretty good and the one for my 638:

You say how did you do that with no machine to make threads/cut metal?
The answer is creativity sandpaper and a vice so I basically took a standard axiz focus knob sanded down the lines up to a point and pressed it in with a vice and let me tell you that solution was amazing because they don't come off! Referring to the custom rings not the lenses. And I actually got the ones for the red done perfectly so at their lowest position (Seen in the picture above) The laser is collimated perfectly at distances. Of course I have to include beam shots:

good job-- making stuff like this is a great idea--but,

'' so I basically took a standard axiz focus knob sanded down the lines ''

aFAIK 'axiz ' does not exist--'AixiZ' has sells the most common blank modules-- thousands of them are sold every month. FYI the lady there is Xia & she has a daughter named Zi. Once while I was there UPS delivered a box of 5,000 pcs-NOT assembled- he told me he ATM gets a box like that about 4 times per year.. Grandpa Maricle puts a bunch together but most are sorted into small bags but not assembled.

Xia is a true laser expert-- from China--now living near Houston w/ husband -- Dr Chuck (Maricle) Chuck sez misspellings do not bother him much as long as they remember AixiZ. (however spelled)

IIRC 'yobersal' (the 'original' Laserboy) was the first to contact AixiZ about getting a deal on a larger order. long ago---Luke got a laugh of my PM asking him about a discount on big orders thru me
-- about 10+ years late --lol

I think 'Meridith' was the first to get them made in larger orders for resale. They cost more but are better made.

Every visit to see Dr Chuck he asks if there is anything new wanted .....to be offered at the AixiZ 'store'
SO let me know & I will pass that on to the Maricles. I am very lucky to live just 45 min away from AixiZ.
good job-- making stuff like this is a great idea--but,

'' so I basically took a standard axiz focus knob sanded down the lines ''

aFAIK 'axiz ' does not exist--'AixiZ' has sells the most common blank modules-- thousands of them are sold every month. FYI the lady there is Xia & she has a daughter named Zi. Once while I was there UPS delivered a box of 5,000 pcs-NOT assembled- he told me he ATM gets a box like that about 4 times per year.. Grandpa Maricle puts a bunch together but most are sorted into small bags but not assembled.

Xia is a true laser expert-- from China--now living near Houston w/ husband -- Dr Chuck (Maricle) Chuck sez misspellings do not bother him much as long as they remember AixiZ. (however spelled)

IIRC 'yobersal' (the 'original' Laserboy) was the first to contact AixiZ about getting a deal on a larger order. long ago---Luke got a laugh of my PM asking him about a discount on big orders thru me
-- about 10+ years late --lol

I think 'Meridith' was the first to get them made in larger orders for resale. They cost more but are better made.

Every visit to see Dr Chuck he asks if there is anything new wanted .....to be offered at the AixiZ 'store'
SO let me know & I will pass that on to the Maricles. I am very lucky to live just 45 min away from AixiZ.
I more put that there to give others an idea about my process because we are all familiar with the shape of the focus knob found in Axiz modules, I got my modules from dtr. Anyways nice story!
Jordan both buys from and sells to AixiZ. (yeah the Z is a cap)

here is a link to the laser accessories page--the cite has been re-done ,I see.

If you hope to get a deal as a LPF member you look there but buy direct by calling. Let then know you are laser forum member. Use the 713 number from the cite home page. That is Chuck's cell fone... call during weekday biz hours Central Time...

This works the best w/ a large order... combined shipping.
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