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Looking to purchase my first laser.

Mar 31, 2012
Hello everyone,
I am looking to purchase my first laser and thought there would be no better place to do so. I am on a little bit of a budget, so compromises can be made and corners can be cut. Without further adieu, what I am looking for.
Beam Color-Blue
Host-Something that is nice to look at
Power Output-1W-1.5W
Heatsink: Efficient in keeping the laser cool
Beam Visibility-Somewhat visible during the day/Very visible at night
Something that will last a while in both battery and overall lifetime of the laser
Be able to get it to me without seizure by customs
Please post with any laser you are willing to sell or if you know of any commercial ones in my price range.

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Start smaller. 1W of blue is pretty powerful and you should work your way up. You really need to make sure any goggles you get will work well.
I'd suggest starting on some low power greens, progress to a medium power red, then once you have experience with proper laser safety you can consider the 1W jump.
Here is an example of the power of 1W when it hits a human eye.

Read up. Then decide if you want a 1W blue.
I wouldn't go THAT far. I mean 1mW red are so discouragingly lame when you have hopes of 1W in your future. I'd advise getting some goggles for the 445nm/532nm wavelength and get a standard 5mW green NewWish. Those will likely be overspec and since they're bright, it'll be more satisfying.

Then work your way up.
My friend had a 125mW WickedLaser before he put it threw the wash. I probably used it more than he did, so I have some experience. As for the goggles I bought the pair that he had from him.
I got a 250mw red laser ill let you have for 35$ shipped. You can see the beam at night and it will light cigarettes.
