You won't really see that huge of a difference between the greenie you have now, and two or even 300mW.
532nm lasers are dpss, meaning you're dealing with modules, and the better modules from say o-like go up to only 200mW, (usually 160-180mW after IR).
Modules over 200mW are quite a bit more expensive, so you would be better off grabbing something from lazerer, or o-like, or rayfoss in the power range you're looking for, and then if you want, have someone transplant the module into a different host. Idk why you would want to do that if you like the host initially, but it would be interesting
Btw, on your laser, you can remove the waterproofing lens for a slight boost in power (very slight) and better dot profile. I wouldn't do that though.
Edit: Personally when I'm deciding which laser to stick in my pocket... instead of the 550mW cannon I end up going with a small 70mW greenie. If I want to point at something, or pop a balloon it's enough