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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking for some guidance on component selection for my project

Apr 23, 2011
So I started this 11 years ago and am now trying to get back to it to finish, or toss lol
Here is my original thread I started: https://laserpointerforums.com/thre...-in-progression-but-nothing-to-see-yet.63122/
I need a new diode & driver but am getting confused on what to go with. The module I'm using is an O-Like screw in module for 5.6mm diodes. It's about 19mm in diameter and black anodized aluminum with machined fins in the "head"? Where the diode fits in.
Power will be supplied by a single 18650
I'll be using a SS-12D00 switch for arming/disarming that's rated at .5a so that limits selections I'm sure.
At this point I honestly don't care about the color, red, green or blue, but would like something as bright as can be given the parameters and can run at 100% duty cycle given the module. Picture attached.
I've spent a couple hours looking through DTR's site, and pretty much everything w/drivers that seem to fit the bill are out of stock. I was hoping to get a module w/driver and swap the diode & driver to my module but due to lack of availability looking like I'll have to buy a separate diode and driver and tune the driver and ordered a benchtop power supply and looking into test loads.
I feel bad for DTR, I've blown up their inbox!
Hopefully someone can suggest some diode/driver combos that will fit in with what I'm trying to accomplish.
PS. I never do stuff in typical ways, or as most would especially starting but I get an idea and try to run with it. Still trying to learn some of the codependency's between diode, driver, and battery.

Edit: A few diodes I'm looking at as possibilities are:
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Those Chinese aluminum modules can have sloppy tolerances, the pure copper press fit modules are a better way to go especially for higher output and 100% duty cycle applications.

Well, the higher output will be limited by the .5A rated switch in the circuit I think.

The module feels pretty good, I've handled cheap Chinese aluminum parts and quality ones, this one doesn't feel bad.
The diode sits in there nice and snug and I can't say how dead on balls accurate it is, but it looks to be fairly aligned.

Besides, at this point in the project I'm pretty much stuck with this module which I actually chose on how it fits in aesthetically.
12mm would be way to small, I'd have to rig something up, and 20mm is too big. Just measured my module and it's right about 17.5mm which fits in perfect. I enlarged the barrel hole in the "slide" but can't go any bigger w/o going over the sides.

Here it is, check it out:
It looks good, be careful not to spook any busy body Karens if you use it outside. :)
So aside from potential QC issues with the module, do you think any of the diodes I linked above should suffice? While I would like it to work at 100% duty cycle, honestly I doubt if it'll get much use.
As for a driver, I'm thinking this:
Or maybe a round jobber from JLasers:
Just pulled the trigger on an order from DTR with a 488nm & 637nm diodes, ACS1500SE tuned to 400Ma and a G8.
Wondering if I should add a G2 to that as well, still trying to figure out lenses...

Would I get decent visibility outside in daylight with a 55mw 488nm?
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