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Looking for project to start


Apr 10, 2016
I am looking to start some very basic small projects as I am new to the technical side of lasers.

I do have access to a fair bit of kit however when it comes to materials and electronics (far more kit than knowledge). I want to try to make an air cooled handheld laser using a micro computer fan which will induce flow through filters across the heat sink. I have some very small temp sensors with LCD readout which I am planning to fit around the heat sink of some cheaper lasers which generate low levels of heat and incorporate the display into the housing. From there I will be able to monitor performance.

I want to use this to experiment with different designs to see how to remove heat effectively. The lasers I will be experimenting with do not really require cooling but still generate heat. This will be academic, then I may think of trying things with a higher powered build.

If anyone knows of any similar builds on this board or have tried similar, please let me know!



Sound like a cool project.

One piece of advice I'd give on this is that you'll probably need a TEC, otherwise the heat transfer rate probably won't be fast enough to be noticeable vs passive air cooling.
Wow, very unique idea. It's interesting that you specifically mentioned wanting to make this a handheld laser. Most of the handheld lasers rely on physical heatsinking to get rid of the heat rather than actually using fans. What you're talking about building, fan-cooled and with the LCD temp readout, sounds like it would be better suited to a box/lab laser style maybe?

I haven't been on here too long, but the closest thing I've seen to what you're describing is Razako's 561nm box laser here.
