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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking For Large Angle Scanner


Jun 13, 2016

I am developing and laser marking system and need a scanner that can accurately scan up to ~54-60 degrees. The only product I have found that meets these specs are the I-Magic EMS-8000s, but I am unsure if they would meet the accuracy I require.

Since this won't be used for a light show, but to precisely mark materials, precision is required over speed. I could go as low as 12k or so.

So far I have been dealing with cheap Chinese scanners off of ebay, but they aren't linear and drift every time I power the system on.

Secondly, do you recommend any resellers that are in or ship to the US? I am having a problem finding companies that sell any of these products.


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Those scannermaxs look interesting. They don't seem to offer a driver though?

I have heard a lot about cambridge, but I haven't found a single place to buy them from.
Those scannermaxs look interesting. They don't seem to offer a driver though?

I have heard a lot about cambridge, but I haven't found a single place to buy them from.

By driver do you mean amplifier? I'd imagine that's included - good galvos would be no good without a good amp designed to work with them. I'm sure they have various mounting options available too - you'd need to contact them about that though.

Buy them direct from Cambridge or contact one of their sales offices/sales partners listed here?

Contact Cambridge Technology Sales

Thorlabs also have a good selection:

Small Beam Diameter Scanning Galvo Mirror Systems

Large Beam Diameter Dual-Axis Scanning Galvo Systems
Yes, amplifier. For the ScannerMax, there doesn't appear to be an amplifier included or even suggested. They have a guide on how to convert an amp to work with their system.

Thanks for the contact information for cambridge, I will be contacting them.
For most accuracy you'd like scannermax.. it has 2 modes of feedback you can set in software.. one high accuracy at lower rates (although still FAST) and the other lower accuracy at much higher scanrates (alhough still as accurate most galvanometer systems on the market). Engraving systems are relavitely not that fast anyway so these shouldn't be any concern at all. You will find most galvanometer systems will fair well these days though unless some insane precision is required. The majority of galvos out there can do 60 degrees no problem.. in fact they can go even larger (although sometimes this requires you to adjust the scale trimpot) but beyond 60 degrees the beam has a higher chance of being sliced off at it's corners due to a steeper angle on the mirror... This is why manufacturers do not state higher angles then 60. To circumvent this you want a much smaller beam diameter then the galvo mirror size to have margin or just have bigger galvo mirrors.

In most cases you won't find this latter a serious problem.. although if it's just fits then the cut off the sides could result in less fast engraving in the corners of the projection.

Scannermax DSP amplifier is not yet included with 506 as the mini isn't there yet.. with the saturn it is included. (I have been one of those few fortunate people having had a saturn 1b begin of this year). The saturns can be found in the projector accessories page of the pangolin store.. an about $2000+ upgrade which can only be purchased if you buy a kvant system atm.
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