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FrozenGate by Avery

looking for a burning laser

Mar 5, 2012
hi. i know i keep posting threads like this but i have yet to find a good burning laser for a affordable price. iv got my eyes on these:
LZMN - 650nm 200mW Focusable Red Laser Pointer
Old style red laser 200mW/adjustable [OLRLA200] - $43.00 : Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce

but has anyone got a blue burner for around the same price as the ones in the links. if it was dilda style that would be good becuase then i could buy the red and have a blue and red in dilda style, but if not, i dont mind. so if you are selling a burning laser that will light matches and pop balloons fairly effectivly then pls tell me in some way. it doesnt have to be blue, it can be red, but not too expensive. i know its a lot to ask but iv searched everywhere and cant find someone selling a laser burner for a good price. also im in the uk so a shipping quote would be helpfull

iv searched everywhere and cant find someone selling a laser burner for a good price.

The high powered 445nm blue diodes cost more than that alone. I doubt you will find anyone willing to part with a blue burning laser for anywhere near that price.

A "good price" for a blue burning laser would be around $100. Don't ask people to give their lasers away. A red one (660nm) will be cheaper, but any custom laser built by a LPF member will cost you more than the cheap Chinese ones.

So you have a couple of options:
1) Order a Chinese laser, because that's as cheap as they come.
2) Buy a Mohgasm "just add diode" kit and an LPC-826 from Cajunlasers. It will still cost more than the cheap Chinese lasers in your links, but it won't be expensive. (These kits require soldering and pressing a diode)
3) Spend a little more money and get a good quality laser from a member.

Mohgasm!, Because it feels so good.
Cajunlasers Store
im not asking for a 1w blue. if noone wants to sell a blue burner then i mentioned that i wouldnt mind red.
Blue lasers only really come in two flavors: >1W multimode, and ~150mW single mode. The single mode diodes cost about $140 a piece, so the more powerful ones are actually cheaper.

The cheapest red for burning is the LPC-826 diode. They cost about $11, so a complete laser can be built for cheap. Other reds can be more powerful, but will cost you as much or more than a powerful blue.
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i dont want to build one, i want to buy a built one, and it doesnt have to be 445nm blue, it can be 405nm. i jus want a good built burner at the end of the day, 200mw or above. and that is not too much too ask becuase lazerer and other similar sites are selling 250mw's for about £30
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i dont want to build one, i want to buy a built one, and it doesnt have to be 445nm blue, it can be 405nm. i jus want a good built burner at the end of the day, 200mw or above. and that is not too much too ask becoz lazerer and other similar sites are selling 250mw's for about £30[
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I'm just giving you an idea about the relative costs of diodes. The other parts are roughly the same price for a simple build in any wavelength, so the cost of the laser is basically dependent on the price of the diode that is in it.

A 405nm burner will cost roughly the same as a 445nm laser.

If you really want cheap, buy one from lazerer or O-like. If you can afford a $100 laser, buy one from a user on here. You will have to choose whether the quality or the price is more important to you.

You can also get second hand O-like lasers here every now and then.

If you want anyone to take your WTB add seriously however, you should post a picture of your protective goggles, and do some research so you can be specific about what you actually want. Most users on LPF won't sell a laser to someone unless they feel confident that the buyer knows what they are doing.
Those are decent glasses, they are what I use for 445nm. They are very effective for 405nm and 445nm, and slightly less effective for 532nm. They don't block red at all. If you plan on burning, you NEED protective eyewear, so if you get a red laser, you will need to find a different pair of goggles to go with it.

You might be able to find a cheap red laser here in the forums if you are patient. $50 is not a lot of money for a laser, but they do come along every now and then. Keep an eye on the FS section, and check often. Your best bet might actually be to order from O-like or laserer. You will have to wait two weeks or so to get your laser, but it will be cheap and maybe faster than getting one here.
Good luck!
yep, going to buy survival lasers red goggles to protect against red,, maybe even ther green/blue and IR which is great for green lasers so you dont have to worry about IR anymore. and $50 is quite a bit to be honest. especially for a red laser. they are the cheapest and im sure you can get a 300-500mw for that price. but i dont think many people are running around with that sort of output so i thought 200-250mw would be more suitable, howevr, it appears not. all i want is a good burner but not a 1w becuase im saving up for one separately. just need a good burner for now, dont want ot blind myself with a 1w trying to light a match or anything ;)
