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Little bit of help with .JPG > .ild conversion


Jan 3, 2013

I am doing a favor for a friend to get a mobile solution together for projecting their logo up on the ceiling of the dealer rooms. I have the hardware figured out, however it seems that the software in this department is pretty locked down.

Can someone help by converting this logo or maybe even a simplified version into .ild format so I can load it onto the SD DAC of the unit we are using?

>>> Yaya Logo for Laser <<<

The overall goal is to make it as bright as possible so minimizing the non-firing scan-time is a priority. I'd do it myself, but can't find any free programs to do it and I can't really justify buying expensive software for just 1 conversion.

Thanks so much!!

Thanks for your reply. However it looks like the file is not available on that link you posted. Anyone else have a good recommendation for free or low-cost way of drawing simple .ild sprites?

Try searching google for bmp2ild_v2.exe, I just posted the first link I found without checking it.
