Well I just got mine from my mailbox, how about that.
It's a neat little PS, very simple to use and it appears that you don't need a load when it's not boosting ( while setting up ).
I put a series of 4 x 12V led's so a 48V load on the output and 4 x 18650 in series on the input and set group #1 for 48V and 0.5A and it works nicely, also show's the actual outputs, there is 16.2V on the output when the boost is off, however because 16.2 is below the 48V worth of led's threshold, there is no current when it's not boosting, if I had used incandescent bulbs then there would be current flow at 16.2v with a 4 x 12V bulb ( 48V ) load.
Now even though I turned it off in my group #1 and removed the battery, when I re attached the battery it came on and ramped up to my group #1 limits ( 48V ) as I left it in the AUTO mode when I removed the battery.
So setting it up and simply switching the battery will work to power a laser array with the click of a single switch when you leave it in the AUTO mode.
The trick is to have it set on " AUTO " by holding the set button for 6 seconds, that lets you toggle between AUTO and ------- so in AUTO it comes on in the group you left it in when you switched off your battery, but in ------ mode it will not automatically power on the boost when you switch your battery. So these will work very well and supposedly have only a 50mv ripple.
Button #1 is " + "
Button #2 is " SET " 6 second hold or double click
Button #3 is " - "
Button #4 is " ON/OFF " and " select " when in flashing SET mode.