I'd like to know if there is a reason, other than heat, why it's bad for the laser to keep It running too long.
I've been running a bunch of pointers and labs and cannibalized misc lasers at 100% duty and have had no trouble yet - but I'm keeping a small desk fan aimed on them, so nothing gets too hot.
When I first started out taping down the "on" switch of my 5 mw green, I noticed after half an hour - 45mins it would get pretty warm and the brightness started fluctuating (that's when I realized it probably wasn't meant to be on all the time) but as soon as I got the fan, everything went back to normal.
Is this "the secret to 100% duty cycle," or is there something (other than heat buildup) I'm not taking into consideration?
[as a side note, this was also the way I was able to do my battery torture tests and come up with the best rechargeable AAA for pens]
I've been running a bunch of pointers and labs and cannibalized misc lasers at 100% duty and have had no trouble yet - but I'm keeping a small desk fan aimed on them, so nothing gets too hot.
When I first started out taping down the "on" switch of my 5 mw green, I noticed after half an hour - 45mins it would get pretty warm and the brightness started fluctuating (that's when I realized it probably wasn't meant to be on all the time) but as soon as I got the fan, everything went back to normal.
Is this "the secret to 100% duty cycle," or is there something (other than heat buildup) I'm not taking into consideration?
[as a side note, this was also the way I was able to do my battery torture tests and come up with the best rechargeable AAA for pens]