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FrozenGate by Avery

Lens choice for first high power laser

Simple, buy both of the above;) Seriously. It only takes a moment to swap lenses and a 3-element isn't much $ to tack on so you can have the best of both worlds AND not only do you get to see the difference with your own eyes but have another lens to swap or for something else.
Generally when people join they initially just want power but over time you really start to care about how the dot/beam quality plus why not tack on a single element while your at it. IF you pick 2 though go with the G-2 and a 3-element. You will not regret it and he ships fast for little $.
I don't own a G-7 yet but have heard good things.
On a side note, does anyone know for certain what name goes with the lenses that Eitan was selling in the 515nm GB? I keep referring to them as the 515nm GB lenses and I would rather say what we actually ended up calling them (such as G-9 or S1 or whatever). Weird that I can't seem to figure it out.
Nice good simple answer:beer:

The G2 is a single element and it has a 2.39 mm focal length and it is good for up close work and when knife edging, the 3 element has a 5.3mm focal length and it will clip the ends of the faster expanding axis.

The G2 will give you about a 30% higher power output than the 3 element but when focused at 5 feet or 10 feet or 50 feet the bar shaped spot will be twice as wide and twice as tall as with the 3 element.

Fact is the 3 element is a better burner at any real distance other than up close because of the higher energy density and the beam looks much less fan like than with the G2 in the far field.

Now the G7 that podo has for sale @ 10 bucks each he said he thinks has about a 8mm focal length, I just ordered 3, that's with free shipping and it's a single element so we should get power like the G2 with a slightly tighter burning focal point than even the 3 element. Fingers crossed.

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I'd think beam quality is more important right now. What is a g2 lens? I know the 3 element glass lens is 3 pieces of glass. Is the g2 the same?

G2 has a 2.39 mm focal length and it is good for up close work and when knife edging, the 3 element has a 5.3mm focal length and it will clip the ends of the faster expanding axis.

The G2 will give you about a 30% higher power output than the 3 element but when focused at 5 feet or 10 feet of 100 feet the bar shaped spot will be twice as wide and twice as tall as with the 3 element.

Fact is the 3 element is a better burner at any real distance other than up close because of the higher energy density and the beam looks much less fan like than with the G2 in the far field.

Now the G7 that podo has for sale @ 10 bucks each he said has about a 8mm focal length, I just ordered 3, that's with free shipping and it's a single element so we should get power like the G2 with a slightly tighter burning focal point than even the 3 element. Fingers crossed.

Could you limk me to podo's shop? Did a quick search and only came up with AixiZ Blue Laser Glass Lens for 405-455nm, AixiZ. Perhaps I should wait and see what you think about the g7 lense?
