Let me preface this by saying I'm not some idiot kid with a high-powered laser shooting airplanes and generally being a dumbass. I use proper safety precautions and am aware of and observe regulations regarding the use of laser equipment.
A while back I was out for a walk at night and a large, aggressive dog started advancing towards me. Having nothing to defend myself save a pocket knife and my 1 watt 445nm, I de-focused the laser until the dot was several feet wide and fired it at the dog once it was a clear threat, causing it to spook and run away.
My question is whether or not using a laser in this manner against either a person or animal is legal, assuming that the laser is de-focused enough to cause no damage. I live in an area with lots of bred-for-aggression pit bulls and a few possible drug dealers, but I don't want take a life or lose my own in the event of a confrontation.
I am aware of the illegality of using lasers to MAIM, and the illegality of simply shining a laser at someone, but in a self-defense scenario, is the use of a laser in the previously-mentioned way legal?
I live in Texas, if that's any help. It seems to me that if you're allowed to shoot someone in self-defense, it would be legal to cause temporary discomfort via light.
Edit: I found some other threads talking about this, but my question is slightly different; I have no intention of causing long-term harm, and as such, I think this question is different enough to warrant a thread. Also, please don't think I'm one of the irresponsible kids thinking "durr, imma blast him wif MAH LAZAR AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!1!"
If this thread is in any way a violation of the rules, let me know and I'll remove it immediately.